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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Living Laughing and Loving

I haven't forgotten about this blog, and I've been composing posts and ideas in my mind, but I've been so very busy lately and haven't had time to put them to paper (or computer screen I guess).

Here's a few updates:
Youth Sunday went well with my youth group, and I gave the sermon
I traveled to Ohio to sing with 15 other Mennonite High Schools
I've been to a different church to sing every sunday for the last two months
I'm going to Europe for two weeks in less than a month
I am going to Los Angeles to organize bible school with an Indonesian Mennonite Church shortly after Europe
I got a job in March at Panera Bread and have been busily working
I also got my license and am now driving!
Less than 10 school days left until my senior year!

Oh and we had our Junior Senior Banquet a week ago (: Phew! It's been busy! Here are a few of my favorite pictures with my favorite people. So many dear friends <3

So in short, I haven't been writing because I've been busy: busy living, laughing, and loving, and I don't think that's so bad. I'll try to get back on this soon as school slows down, and I'll try to blog my Europe adventures, as well as catch up on all my revelations in the last two months. ((: Life is so good friends!